Writing on music


There is music being made somewhere in the world that you just would straight up never believe could exist

drums that sound like water, best high of your life, biting cold wind

there one makes something of ones self and in movement is-

I don't really care about microtonal tuning systems but I do care about the people who seem gravitated to dedicating

their life to them. They always seem quite steadfast and strong. Erv Wilson, right? Ben Johnston? I mean come on


Improvising music is fun to me because it shows in a direct, undeniable way that there's always

something else to be done. I can play different idea every second forever and never run out of music

to play because that's just the way that humans work. We're crazy machines where you put in lived experience

and somehow that is connected up with other people's lived experience (???like this is crazy) and used to

produce things that have never existed! Which other people can then somehow understand thru their own experiences

Our bodies/our minds are equipped with the ability to reach outside

of itself and in doing so, in holding world -

I mean, what I'm talking about when I say your mind is " reaching outside of itself " is what you are doing right now

on some odd corner of the internet reading some trannies ramblings about music, your being here is a natural

consequence of the evolution of humans. Weird -

but look, the point is that when we play music, we can use melodies as symbols for thought.

Here is an exercise to show what I mean:

First, think of a thought you've had that you like, draw a circle on a piece of paper, and assign that thought to the circle

(sorry if this doesn't make sense) next, draw a square, now the tricky part is it's the same thought as you assigned to the circle

the excerise is finding out what changed about the thought? haha if that makes any sense

we can do the same thing with change music phrases and feelings instead of gemoetric shapes, symbolizing our thoughts,

identifying stuff about them and how changing the symbols can aid in deepening our understanding of the the thing we're thinking about


Music is humanity's oldest and most developed art and luxury. Though we have never been able

to identify the "function" of music to humans as a species beyond its inherent beauty, I believe that music

should be regarded similarly to language in terms of their importance to our inventing societies.

Music is not just a field of study or type of art, but a social technology that deepens the understanding

humans hold of themselves, one another, and their world; literally, and in a way completely distinct from the other

methods we have of deepening our understanding.

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